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Cockroach Battles 2022


Successful pest management professionals follow these five steps when providing cockroach management services, say those who answered Pest Management Professional’s (PMP’s) 2022 Cockroach Management Survey:

  1. Inspection – Tailor your inspection to the premises and take your time. A thorough inspection will help ensure treatments reach trouble spots and convey your professionalism to customers.
  2. Identification – Confirm the cockroach species; consult an entomologist if you are unsure. Knowing the species will enable you to choose the most effective treatment.
  3. Communication – Listen to your customers and set expectations by explaining what they should look for from your treatment. Educate customers so they can help prevent future infestations.
  4. Treatment – Do not rely on one product or method for control. Be prepared to make changes if necessary.
  5. Follow-up – Cockroach management may take time. Do not stop until you gain control over the infestation.

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